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Defense Verdict in New York County
In On January 17, 2013, Karen T. Grottalio obtained a defense verdict in New York County Supreme Court on behalf of a prominent colon and rectal surgeon who practiced at a major metropolitan medical center. Plaintiff, a 46-year-old single female, alleged that as a result of negligent surgical treatment by defendant, she suffered serious personal ...
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Defense Verdict in New York County
HPM&B received a defense verdict in New York County Supreme Court on February 19, 2013 on behalf of a major metropolitan hospital and a pediatric hematologist. The infant-plaintiff was a Downs Syndrome patient who had previously developed a life threatening septicemia and pneumonia requiring extra corporeal membrane oxygenation and long term intubation, complicated by both ...
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Defense Verdict in Connecticut
Madonna Sacco recently obtained a defendant’s verdict in Superior Court, Judicial District of Middlesex, Middletown Connecticut.   Plaintiff claimed that HPM&B’s client, an obstetrician/gynecologist, applied excessive traction during the delivery of the infant-plaintiff, causing the infant to suffer shoulder dystocia.  The case had been previously tried to a defendant’s verdict but was appealed by the plaintiff.  The Connecticut Appellate Court reversed the verdict ...
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Defense Verdict in New York County
On May 1, 2013, HPM&B obtained a defense verdict in New York County Supreme Court on behalf of a major metropolitan hospital.  It was claimed that the infant-plaintiff developed meconium aspiration syndrome and later asthma because the hospital’s neonatology team did not properly manage his resuscitation at birth.  The infant-plaintiff was born covered in meconium, ...
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Defense Verdict Received In Kings County
On May 2, 2013, Darshan I. Patel obtained a defense verdict in Supreme Court, Kings County on behalf of his client, a urologist in private practice in New York City. Plaintiff reported complaints of acute testicular pain and difficulty walking for nearly 30 hours.  He rated his pain as an “8” on a scale of ...
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Defense Verdict In Connecticut
On June 7, 2013, HPM&B received a defense verdict in Middletown Superior Court on behalf of an obstetrician/gynecologist.  The case arose out of a twin pregnancy which ended in a premature delivery of the babies at 24 weeks gestation.  One of the twins died shortly after birth.  The other twin survived, but the plaintiff claimed ...
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Defense Verdict In New York County
Following two weeks of trial, HPM&B obtained a unanimous defense verdict in New York County Supreme Court in a wrongful death case brought by the estate of a local nephrologist against a urological surgeon. Plaintiff’s counsel claimed that during a Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection (RPLND) to address Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the upper urinary tract, ...
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Defense Verdict In Westchester
On June 13, 2013, Andrew M. Neubardt received a defense verdict in Westchester County Supreme Court on behalf of an ophthalmologist and a multi-specialty medical group. The plaintiff claimed that the defendant ophthalmologist failed to provide appropriate informed consent and was negligent in performance of cataract surgery. The plaintiff alleged that he was not told ...
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Defense Verdict in Staten Island
On June 13, 2013, Peter DeNoto received a defense verdict in Staten Island on behalf of a prominent podiatrist, and earlier in the trial, he received a dismissal of all claims on behalf of another prominent podiatrist. Plaintiff demanded $25 million in damages against the defendant podiatrists for podiatric care that plaintiff received as an ...
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Defense Verdict In Connecticut
Bruce F. Gilpatrick received a defense verdict in Bridgeport, Connecticut Superior Court on behalf of a psychiatric nurse and a major hospital. Plaintiff demanded $1.2 million in damages against the defendants who also included an internist and hospital psychiatrist.  Plaintiff, a 42-year-old married woman claimed that she suffered a seizure after abruptly stopping Xanax when ...
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