
May 24, 2006, New York City Bar
Rosary A. Morelli participated in a panel discussion entitled “Prescription for Improving the Way Health Care and Legal Systems Deal with Unanticipated Outcomes in Medical Care”
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March 1, 2006, Phoenix, AZ
Denise A. Holzka participated in DRI’s Medical Liability and Health Care Law Seminar held at the Pointe Hilton Tapatio Clliffs on March 1-3, 2006. Ms. Holzka’s presentation entitled “How to Read A Peer Reviewed Article – Is it Legitimate Science or Not?” is structured for younger defense lawyers within the Medical Malpractice Community and lends advice towards the developement of practice skills in the defense of cases.
Profile for Denise A. Holzka

October 20, 2005, Chicago, IL
Elizabeth Cornacchio Spoke at the DRI Annual Meeting in Chicago On October 20, 2005. Ms. Cornacchio participated in a panel discussion regarding the dynamics of juror decision making and the effect on jurors of the recent news accounts of corporate wrongdoing.
Profile for Elizabeth Cornacchio
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May 19, 2005, St. Louis, MO
Denise Holzka spoke on May 19, 2005 at the Defense Research Institute’s Food Liability — Law, Science and Risk Management conference held at the Renaissance Grand Hotel in St. Louis, MO. Denise spoke regarding the topics of expert testimony, defense causation strategies and potential Daubert challenges.
Profile for Denise A. Holzka

April 14, 2005, New York, NY

Robert B. Gibson, lectured at a conference held by the American Cancer Society, Upper Manhattan Division.
Profile for Robert B. Gibson

October 24, 2004, New York, NY

Robert B. Gibson, proposed Legislative Reforms in Medical Malpractice Actions, presented at the New York State Neurosurgical Society’s Conference.
Profile for Robert B. Gibson

March 17, 2003, San Francisco, CA
Luke Pittoni, New ACOG Perinatal Medicine Guidelines, presented at the Defense Research Institute’s Medical Liability and Health Care Law 2003 Seminar in San Francisco, March 2003.
Profile for Luke M. Pittoni